SHell resource Center
The Shell Resource Center is a ministry where our church family can check-out library books and purchase a select number of resources chosen by our staff to encourage them in their spiritual growth and discipleship. The library is open during church office hours and is a self-service library with instructions for checking out at the library desk.
Books are available for purchase on Sunday morning in the Shell Resource Center from 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM.
You can also purchase a wider selection of titles right here on our resource page and also by clicking the "RECOMMENDED RESOURCES" button above.
You can also purchase a wider selection of titles right here on our resource page and also by clicking the "RECOMMENDED RESOURCES" button above.

Write it on their hearts
By Paul Tripp
By Chris Swain

Before you leave
Deep Discipleship
By Todd Von Helms
By J.T. English

You are a theologian
The Titus Ten
By J.T. English and
Jen Wilkin
Jen Wilkin
By Josh Smith

women of the word
hudson taylor's spiritual secret
By Jen WIlkin
By Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor

The gospel and personal evangelism
What is the gospel?
By Mark Dever
By Greg Gilbert

When helping hurts
Evangelism and the sovereignty of god
By Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
By J.I. Packer

Gentle and Lowly
By Keith and Kristyn Getty
By Dane Ortlund

The Glory now revealed
The unsaved christian
By Andrew Davis
By Dean Insserra

1o questions every teen should ask (and Answer) about christianity
Any time
any place
any prayer
By Rebecca McLaughlin
By Laura Wifler

The Garden, the curtain and the cross
The garden, the curtain and the cross board book
By Carl Laferton
By Carl Laferton

Living God's Word
The God Who is there
By J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
By D.A. Carson

God's Big picture
According to plan
By Vaughn Roberts
By Graeme Goldsworthy

The Biggest Story
The big picture story bible
By Kevin DeYoung
By David Helm

DYing to preach:
Embracing the cross in the pulpit
Recapturing the voice of god: shaping sermons like scripture
By Dr. Steven W. Smith
By Dr. Steven W. Smith

Preaching for the rest of us: essentials for text-driven preaching
hebrews: A Commentary for biblical preaching and teaching
By Dr. Steven W. Smith
By Dr. Steven W. Smith

When Home Hurts
By Dr. Steven W. Smith
By Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson

The Trouble with secrets
Its My Body
By Karen Johnsen
By Lory Freeman

God made all of me
By Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb