“GO” is an acronym for “Global Outreach.” Immanuel Baptist Church has embraced the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…,” our mandate from King Jesus compels us to work to see all peoples reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Pray, Give, and go
You can partner with Immanuel in various ways to advance the kingdom. You can pray, give, and go!
God works through His people's prayers in miraculous ways. Praying for unreached people around the world, your city, and your neighborhood has an incredible impact on advancing the Kingdom.
Daily Prayer Journal
Daily Prayer Journal
Immanuel Baptist Church gives to organizations that support missions all over the world, North America, and in our own state, like Lottie Moon (IMB), North America Go Offering (NAGO), and Dixie Jackson (ABSC)

Short Term
Immanuel mobilizes dozens of GO Teams each year to work alongside both our domestic and international GO partners. Type of work varies from humanitarian (medical, construction, etc.) to Gospel sowing and harvest reaping to leadership training.

In addition to our short-term GO Teams, Immanuel also offers some Mid-Term opportunities. The length of the Mid-Term trips can vary from 3-9+ months. Contact ibclrmissionscoordinator@gmail.com for more information.
International Missions Board - Hands on
International Missions Board - Hands on

Long Term
Ultimately, we desire Immanuel to be a sending church. Whether it's through our own SEND program, global opportunities, or church planting, we want to come alongside you to encourage and empower you to fulfill the missionary task.
International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Did you know that Immanuel offers partial GO trip scholarships?
Contact the GO office for more details. Click Here
Contact the GO office for more details. Click Here
Immanuel believes that we can most effectively influence our world spiritually by working through denominational cooperation and global partnerships. We do this in two different ways.
First, we cooperate with other Southern Baptists across our nation financially. Immanuel participates through giving 5% of all general budget receipts to the Cooperative Program. These funds support our state mission efforts through the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, our national efforts through the North American Mission Board, and our global mission efforts through the International Mission Board. In addition, we take three annual offerings for missions: The North American GO Offering for North American missions, the Dixie Jackson Offering for state missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions.
Secondly, we have partnered with missionaries and church planters all across the world to support multiplying movements of disciples among people groups. We support these partnerships with prayer, advocacy, funding, and GOing. Our GO trips may include prayer walking, evangelism, equipping believers, training of leaders, etc. Whatever we can do to help facilitate disciple making and church planting movements is our aim.
First, we cooperate with other Southern Baptists across our nation financially. Immanuel participates through giving 5% of all general budget receipts to the Cooperative Program. These funds support our state mission efforts through the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, our national efforts through the North American Mission Board, and our global mission efforts through the International Mission Board. In addition, we take three annual offerings for missions: The North American GO Offering for North American missions, the Dixie Jackson Offering for state missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions.
Secondly, we have partnered with missionaries and church planters all across the world to support multiplying movements of disciples among people groups. We support these partnerships with prayer, advocacy, funding, and GOing. Our GO trips may include prayer walking, evangelism, equipping believers, training of leaders, etc. Whatever we can do to help facilitate disciple making and church planting movements is our aim.